Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Holiday Letter

So it figures...the one year I don't include a holiday letter in the Christmas card multiple people have called asking where it is!  To be honest, I didn't write one this year for a few reasons.  1) bed rest prevented me from getting out and buying the cute holiday paper, 2) Alex told me they're stupid and that no one reads them, 3) our printer is out of ink and buying a new cartridge hasn't been on our radar.  But due to popular demand, here is the Tabori Holiday Letter (minus the postage and Christmas card!)

Happy Holidays 2010!

Another year has flown by and once again the tree is up, the lights are on, and the Christmas specials are on TV.  This year is the most exciting we've had in quite awhile because Nicholas is in awe of all things sparkling and glittering.  Turning on the tree lights is a daily ritual that brings the same level of excitement as it did the very first time.  Decorating the tree was an interesting challenge b/c as Alex wrapped the lights around it, Nicholas followed behind and unwrapped them just as efficiently- handing them back to Alex saying, 'here daddy- lights!'  We had to delay the actual ornament hanging until nap time since that had disaster written all over it!  But the day was as perfect as a little boy could hope for- he picked out the tree with daddy and grandpa, Pandora played the Christmas music (we realized we have no holiday CDs- which we will remedy for next year!), and mother nature even did her part by contributing 3 inches of snow in an unusual early December North Carolina storm.  The only thing that put a damper on the occasion was of course, mommy's bed rest.  But in the season of Santa Claus, animated specials on TV, lights on trees, and cookies- all is well in the world of an almost 2 year old!

The rest of the year was full of big changes.  We moved into our new house in early April and are very happy here.  Nicholas loves the neighborhood park and pool and Alex and I are slowly making friends with our new neighbors.  It took 9 months and a disaster of a closing to sell our old house, but as of December 3rd we again only own one house!  Thank goodness!  After all that, we plan on staying here for a LONG time!

In June we found out we were expecting again- this time a little girl!  We were very excited, although very nervous considering all we went through with Nicholas.  Right after we told Nicholas he was going to be a big brother, he achieved the very big brother milestone of walking!  We could not have been more proud of him!  After 18 months it was well worth the wait!

Our pregnancy fears were realized when I was hospitalized on Oct 25th with preterm labor just shy of 24 seemed like deja vu all over again.  But we had to remind ourselves that this was different- and not destined to have a bad outcome.  Well that was 7 1/2 weeks ago and each day we get closer to full term and a hopefully healthy baby girl!  Our official due date is Feb 17th but since she is a repeat C section she won't go past Feb 10th, even if everything goes perfectly.  As long as she holds out until 2011 we'll be quite pleased!

As for work- it's work.  Alex is finding that being the boss is harder than advertised but I think he enjoys it (for the most part!).  Due to his promotion and his job as daddy, he has mostly had to give up on coaching baseball but still goes as he is able.  I don't think he'll ever be able to completely give it up!  I'm still working on building my practice and the unplanned time off sorta threw a wrench in things- but I'll worry about that when I go back in the spring.  I just hope my patients will stick it out with me and return when I do!

In a season when so many have so little, we are very thankful for our many blessings!  Nicholas is a joy and watching him grow, develop, and learn each and every day is an honor and privilege!  If you would've told me 2 years ago it was possible to love someone or something this much, I would've thought it impossible!  But each day we only love him more!  And with a new baby on the way it's hard to imagine that a heart can hold that much love...but we're looking forward to it!  We also look forward to sharing more special moments with all of you, our friends, whom we also count among our blessings!  So we hope 2010 was a good year for you and those close to you and that 2011 will be full of health and happiness!

Much Love!

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